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Decisions 2014

Decision V_677_2014
On approval of the Heat Supply Agreement, between the KEK - Kosovo Energy Corporation JSC and DH Termokos JSC

Decision V_676_2014
On approval of the "Transmission Development Plan 2015 – 2024” of KOSTT

Decision V_675_2014
On approval of Generation Adequacy Plan 2015-2024 of KOSTT

Decision V_674_2014
On approval of derogation in implementation of provisions of Grid Code, Market Rules, Transmission System Operator License and Market Operator License

Decision V_673_2014
On determination of the Feed-in tariffs for generation of electricity from Renewable Energy Sources

Decision V_672_2014
On modification of Electricity Generation License granted to the Kosovo Energy Corporation (KEK JSC), Generation Division "TPP Kosova B",  to Electricity and Thermal Energy Cogeneration License.

Electricity and Thermal Energy Cogeneration License

Decision V_671_2014
On notification for Preliminary Authorization for "EKO - ENERGJI" LLC Company  for the development of the project for construction of new generation capacities for generation of electricity from water, in the "Morava e Binçës" River, HPP Binça in the Municipality of Vitia, Republic of Kosovo

Decision V_670_2014
On approval of transfer of the Public Electricity Supply License from the “Kosovo Electricity Distribution and Supply Company” JSC (KEDS) - Supply Division, to “KOSOVO ELECTRICITY SUPPLY COMPANY” J.S.C. (KESCO).

Public Electricity Supply License

Decision V_669_2014
On extention of the time-limit of validity of the Decision on Notification for Preliminary Authorization V_490_2012, dated 24 December 2012, for the “Triangle General Contractors- Inc” Branch Kosova

Decision V_668_2014
On approval of “Procedure on Monitoring the Electricity Supply and Service Quality Standards Fulfillment” document

Decision V_667_2014
On approval of KOSTT JSC “Transmission Network Connection Procedures” document

Decision V_666_2014
On Notification for Preliminary Authorisation for the “ENERGY FIRST - ONE” LLC Company, regarding the development of “Wind Park–Bajgora” project for construction of new generation capacity for generation of electricity from wind, location Selac, MA Mitrovica.

Decision V_663_2014
On approval of  tariffs of the district heating for the District Heating (DH) Termokos J.S.C. for the heating season 2014/2015

Explanatory paper on DH Termokos Season Tariffs for 2014/2015

Decision V_662_2014
On approval of tariffs of the district heating for the District Heating (DH) Gjakova J.S.C. for the heating season 2014/2015.

Explanatory paper on DH Gjakova Season Tariffs for 2014/2015

Decision V_661_2014
On termination of the validity of Decision on Granting Authorization V-299-2010 of 11 November 2010 on construction of Wind generators, at the location "Bostan", MA Novobërdë.

Decision V_660_2014
On  authorization for construction of new generating capacities for generation of electricity from water, at the location, CZ Drekocë, Municpality of Shtërpce 

Decision V_655_2014
On approval of the amendments in the Rules of Auction for the Allocation of the Interconnection capacities of SEE.

Decision V_654_2014
On rejection of the request for extension of validity regarding the Decision on Preliminary Authorisation V_395_2012 dated 10th of February 2012,  regarding the construction of new generating capacity for production of electricity from water, for units: HP “Brod” 1062 kW, HP “Brod III” (Kukalane) 3120 kW and HP “Restelicë III” (Globoqicë) 1498 kW, in Dragash Municipality.

Decision V_653_2014
On granting AUTHORIZATION to the company “Led Light Tehnology Kosova” LLC, for construction of new generating capacities for production of electricity from photovoltaic solar panels .

Decision V_652_2014
On extension of License for generation of electricity of Energy Corporation of Kosovo – Generation Division (KEK JSC) – TPP Kosova A.

Electricity Generation License TPP Kosova A

Decision V_645_2014
On approval the Maximum Allowed Revenues (MAR) to be collected from retail electricity tariffs for regulated customers, which will be applied by the Public Electricity Supplier (KEDS) for the regulatory tariff year 2014

Decision V_644_2014
On approval of electricity retail tariffs and charges of regulated customers for the relevant tariff year ETR8

Decision V_641_2014
On allowing KOSTT  J.S.C.  derogation from implementation of provisions of the Grid Code, Metering Code, Market Rule and Transmission System Operator License.

Decision V_640_2014
On approval of tariffs and charges to be implemented by Transmission System Operator (KOSTT) J.S.C for the relevant tariff year or ETR8 that will enter into force effective from 01 April 2014 

Decision V_639_2014
On approval of tariffs and charges to be implemented by Distribution System Operator (KEDS) for the relevant tariff year or ETR8 that will enter into force effective from 01 April 2014. 

Decision V_638_2014
On approval of the electricity retail tariffs and charges of regulated customers for the relevant tariff years ETR8 to be implemented by the licensee effective from 1 July 2014.

Decision V_636_2014
On approval of the document “Distribution System Operator Development Plan 2014-2023”

Decision V_635_2014
THE MAXIMUM ALLOWED REVENUES (MAR) to be collected from retail electricity tariffs for regulated customers that will be applied by the Public Electricity Supplier (KEDS)

Decision V_634_2014
THE MAXIMUM ALLOWED REVENUES (MAR) to be covered by the licensed Distribution System Operator (DSO)

Decision V_633_2014
THE MAXIMUM ALLOWED REVENUES (MAR) to be covered by the Transmission System and Market Operator JSC (KOSTT)

Decision V_632_1_2014
On exemption of the licensees from payment of the annual fee

Decision V_632_2014
On approval of the the regulated prices to be applied by the licensed operator of Thermal Power Plant Kosova  A and the licensed operator of Thermal Power Plant Kosova B (Regulated Generators)

Evaluation Report ETR8 (2014-2015)

Decision V_631_2014
On approval of the MAXIMUM ALLOWED REVENUES (MAR) ) to be covered by the licensed operator of the Thermal Power Plant Kosova A and licensed operator of the Thermal Power Plant Kosova B (Regulated Generators)

Decision V_630_2014
On approval of the request of KEDS for approval of bill generated by the hand held unit.

Decision V_621_2014
On Approval of the METHODOLOGY on Determining the Regulated Generators Charges

Decision V_621_1_2014
On approval of amendments to the document "Operation Safety Standards"

Decision V_621_2_2014
On approval of amendments to the document “Transmission System Safety and Planning Standards

Decision V_620_2014
On Obligation of the Company “Wind Power” JSC to Complete Until 15 October 2014 the Installation of Wind Generators

Decision V_619_2014
On Approval of the Guidelines for Legal Unbundling of KEDS / Distribution System Operator from KEDS Public Electricity Supplier

On Legal Unbundling of KEDS

Decision V_618_2014
On Notification for Preliminary Authorization for the Company “KelKos Energy Peja” LLC

Decision V_617_2014
On approval of the amendments of the Distribution Metering Code