Consumer complaints
- Complaints status
- Complaints to the court
- Consumer complaints by category
- Consumer complaints to ERO and their status
- Consumer complaints to the supplier (KESCO) by districts
- Consumer complaints to the supplier (KESCO) by month
- Consumer complaints to the supplier (KESCO), by nature
- Disputinng complaints
Energy consumption
- Electricity tariffs for household consumers
- Household energy consumption, for day and night
- Losses and monthly consumption
- Medium electricity tariffs
- Power system balancing
- Tariff determinants for the year 2018-2023
Energy costs
- Energy purchase costs
- Maximum Allowed Revenue - Distribution system operator
- Maximum Allowed Revenue - Transmission system operator
- Maximum Allowed Revenue - Universal service supplier
Energy losses
- Energy losses by month and by district 2013
- Energy losses by month and by district 2014
- Energy losses by month and by district 2015
- Energy losses by month and by district 2016
- Energy losses by month and by district 2017
- Energy losses by month and by district 2018
- Energy losses by month and by district 2019
- Energy losses per month and per district - total
Household energy consumption
- Average annual and monthly consumption data
- Consumption of household electrical appliances
- Household consumption by district
- Household energy consumption
- Number of household consumers per district
- Number of household consumers per month
Lignite sources and environmental pollution
- Lignite production and consumption
- Pollutants emitted by Thermal Power Plant A
- Pollutants emitted by Thermal Power Plant B
Renewable energy
- Electricity production
- Import and export of electricity
- Production plans and capacities from renewable energy sources for 2020 (sources in the incentive tariff)
- Renewable energy sources in distribution
- Renewable energy sources in transmission