Frequently Asked Questions
You can find the Annual Reports of the Regulator, since its establishment, on its website 111.
Also, every six (6) months, the Regulator publishes on its website the Bulletin with all the issued acts and decisions as well as other activities of the Regulator during that period.
The decisions of the Regulator are taken by its Board.
The Board of the Regulator consists of 5 members, one of whom is elected Chairman. The Chairman and members of the Board are appointed by the Assembly of the Republic of Kosovo and have a five-year term with the possibility of being elected for another term.
The Board of the Regulator is responsible for making all decisions for the economic regulation of the energy sector, including:
o drafting and approving sub-legal acts that are required for implementation of the Law on Energy Regulator; Law on Energy; Law on Electricity; Law on Gas and other laws for the operation of the Regulator.
o approval of regulatory and operational policies of the Regulator;
o organizing and supervising the work of the Regulator;
o supervising the implementation of the budget and the financial management of the Regulator;
o approval of the reports and financial statements;
o organization of recruitment procedures and supervision of the work of the staff employed by the Regulator;
o approval of the level of compensation and other employment criteria for the employees of the Regulator;
o drafting and approving the Code of Professional Ethics for the members and staff of the Regulator; and other duties set out in the Law on the Energy Regulator;
Currently, the ERO Board consists of four members: Mr. Arsim Janova, who is also Acting Chairman, Mr. Besim Sejfijaj, Mr. Selman Hoti and Mr. Izet Rushiti.
The Regulator is funded by taxes collected from licensing processes and other administrative activities as defined in the Law on Energy Regulator.
The organization of the Energy Regulator is the competence of its Board; currently the organizational scheme of the Regulator is this: the link of the Organizational Scheme is set.
The Regulator is responsible for drafting procedures for resolving disputes in the energy sector, including:
• customer complaints against licensees, in relation to the services provided;
• complaints from the licensees against other licensees, regarding the performance of licensed activities; and
• Complaints related to the access of third parties to the transmission or distribution system of electricity, thermal energy or natural gas, as well as transmission, cross-border flows of electricity and natural gas.
Customer Complaints Procedures enable disputes to be resolved fairly and quickly. Exercising the rules for resolving disputes works without prejudice to the rights of the parties to exercise the right to appeal which are provided to them by the applicable laws in Kosovo.
In order to determine fair, non-discriminatory and transparent procedures for all customers, the Regulator has issued the Rule on Resolution of Complaints and Disputes in the Energy Sector. The purpose of this rule is to determine the criteria and procedures for filing, reviewing and resolving customer complaints against energy companies in the energy sector, as well as resolving disputes between licensees.
According to the provisions of this Rule, all customers are entitled to file complaints related to the services provided by the supplier or system operator. The procedure for filing complaints stipulates that the customer, in order to file complaints or even requests, must first address their suppliers or the distribution operator as the first instance body, which reviews the complaint and issues a response within the legal deadline. . After receiving the response from the operator, the customer can contact the Regulator for further review of his complaint.
Any customer who needs to contact the Regulator regarding a complaint can do so via email: or by submitting it directly or by regular mail to the address:
Energy Regulatory Office
St. Dervish Rozhaja no.12,
10000 Pristina, Kosovo
or via:
Telephone: +383 (0) 38 247 615-116;
+383 (0) 38 247 615-116
email adresës:
As a customer, you will have the right to choose your electricity supplier. This means that you will be able to decide from which supplier you will receive the electricity, as well as choose the offer that suits you best.
Simply put, this is called "opening up the energy market."
According to the Law on Electricity, since 1 January 2015, all customers are qualified customers and have the right to choose the supplier. Currently, not all licensed suppliers are exercising their role, except for the public supplier, but this is expected to happen very soon in the future.
The electricity you use is produced in specific plants. To get to your home, it has to go through the power grid. Your home is connected to the distribution network, which is managed by the company that operates in the area where you live. This company is responsible for physically delivering electricity to your home no matter who you buy the energy from.
All customers have a contract for the supply of electricity with a company which has provided this service so far. You will now change only the entity with whom you will enter into a contract for energy supply.
With the opening of the market, each customer is given the opportunity to switch from one supplier to another without paying taxes on the change of supplier. This means that your current supplier will not be your only choice and you are not required to receive services from your current supplier.
BUT - The physical connection to the power grid does not change!
Because you are the one who pays, for the company you are not just a customer but also a client. As a client you have the right to access the price policy of your supplier, the level of customer service, payment options and so on. If you are not satisfied with the current service and/or have found a better price from another supplier, you can use your right to switch the supplier.
How does the switch take place?
Electricity suppliers propose a variety of offers. You review the different offers of different suppliers and choose the one that can provide the best offer, in terms of price, performance, and so on.
It depends on the customer's choice. If you intend to switch the supplier, it means that you are not satisfied with the current supplier or that another supplier provides a better offer.
Of course, one of the key criteria is the price per unit of energy. If they do not find cheaper offers in the market, they can continue with the current supplier.
Upon the opening of the market, new suppliers will begin to provide services to household customers and promote (advertise) their offers. ERO possesses the list of the licensees for electricity supply. Customers can also find other suppliers on the PCT platform. It is up to them to choose the best offer and use the opportunities that are offered to them.
Customers are not obliged to switch suppliers if they do not want to. In addition, the current supplier is required to supply you with electricity at prices that are already regulated by the Energy Regulatory Office.
The Regulator is responsible for protecting the rights of customers but customers would be very helpful if they are informed of their rights and notify the Regulator when they are violated.
The Kosovo Energy Regulator is a partner of customers in energy market issues. As an independent body, the Regulator issues rules for ensuring fair competition and information to customers about their rights, current legislation, the new contract and complaints and dispute resolution procedures.
Customers can compare electricity prices and suppliers' offers through the Online PCT platform, for free and without having to leave home.
PCT is the English abbreviation for Price Comparison Tool. The Price Comparison Tool is an Online platform created by the Regulator, supported by USAID, to enable customers to view all market offers for electricity as well as compare prices offered by licensed suppliers operating in market.
REMIT is the abbreviation for the Rule on the Integrity and Transparency of the Wholesale Energy Market. This rule, which will be applied by the Regulator, sets out the criteria that prohibit abusive practices that affect wholesale energy markets, and also provides for the monitoring of wholesale energy markets in the country. The approval of this rule proves the importance that the Regulator attaches to the competitive market, and the need to ensure the integrity of this market, based on the Acquis of the European Union Acquis.
BRE is an abbreviation for Renewable Energy Sources
The Statement on Security of Supply is a document developed by the Regulator based on the Law on Energy Regulator which obliges the Regulator to prepare and publish a report on monitoring the security of supply every two years and send it to the Energy Community.
This statement must contain the following areas: supply diversity, technological security, and the geographical origin of imported fuels. The statement also addresses:
o The balance between supply/ demand in the national market;
o The level of future expected demand expected and the respective available supply;
o Planned capacities for future construction;
o Network maintenance quality and level;
o Measues to cover peak demand, and
o Measuresfor handling the failure of one or more suppliers.
According to Article 42 of the Law on the Energy Regulator, the Energy Regulator is responsible for monitoring and undertaking the actions specified in this law to promote and increase the security of supply in the short and long term. The Regulator therefore prepares and publishes every two years a document describing the findings from monitoring supply security issues, as well as details of measures taken or expected to be taken to address issues arising from this statement. Statements issued so far summarize data for previous years with special emphasis on the last two years which have not been covered by a similar preliminary document, as well as forecasts for the coming years.
You can contact the Regulator at the following address:
Energy Regulatory Office
St. Dervish Rozhaja no.12,
10000 Prishtina, Kosovo
Or through:
Phone: +383 (0) 38 247 615
Fax: +383 (0) 38 247 620
E-mail address:
For legal issues, licensing, authorization and tendering:
Tel: +383 (38) 247 615 lok. 114, 117, 118
Fax: +383 (0) 38 247 620
For customers:
Tel: +383 (38) 247 615 lok. 116
Fax: +383 (0) 38 247 620
For media and access to documents:
Tel: +383(38) 247 615 lok. 123
Fax: +383 (0) 38 247 620