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Distribution System

The Distribution System over the years has marked an improvement in customer supply and quality of service. However, despite the investments made in recent years, the Distribution Network is still not able to provide a genuine supply and satisfactory quality to customers. Achieving an acceptable level of quality of supply and service requires additional investments both at the medium voltage level and at the low voltage level.

The Distribution System includes medium voltage level 35kV, 20kV, 10kV, 6kV and low voltage level 0.4kV. The Distribution System Operator is organized in seven districts: Prishtina, Mitrovica, Peja, Gjakova, Prizren, Ferizaj and Gjilan. The following figure shows the 7 districts geographically.


Extension of Kosovo's distribution system to districts


The scheme below provides basic information on the number of substations (SS), transformers (TR) and transformer power (VA), line length, and power plants connected to the appropriate voltage level.


Distribution network capacity